Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Decision Revision

Ok... so I'm a little late getting involved, but it's not like this blog has blowing up anyway (no offense to the creator). Better late than never, right?

What's the issue? I'm realizing that life is a endless series of split-second decisions that ultimately chart the path of your life. And it all seems to begin when you can really start making these decisions for yourself: who your friends will be, what you expose yourself to, what you spend your time doing, how much effort you'll put forth, where your mind dwells...all of these factors start contributing to who you'll be 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now (even though I've only experienced the 5 and 10 years). (Note: I admit that parents can have a significant impact on their children, but every person makes decisions independently from their parents at some point in time, and if they don't, it's their conscious decision to not make decisions independently from their parents.) My qualm with this is that these life-changing decisions start at an age when you cannot understand how significant these very decisions are for your future. And to complicate matters even further, these split-second decisions happen everyday and indecision becomes your decision.

What's the result? You start charting your path by making these decisions (even though you have no clue you're charting a path or what "charting your path" even means), and by the time you actually realize you're on a path, more often than not you're too far down that path to go back to the start and blaze a new one if you're not satisfied/happy/pleased/content with the one you're on. You can begin blazing a new path from where you currently stand, but going back often takes too much work and too much time, time that is not always available, so those who try, often get left behind.

What's the answer? For those young enough to take heed...then take heed. For those of us who realize this now and wished we would have at a younger age, provide wisdom to the young. At the end of the day, you have to make the best of your path, whether it is where you want to be or don't want to be or thought you would be or didn't think you would be. I think God's grace becomes paramount here, because some people are so displeased with their path that they think all is lost; but as Coldplay says, "everything's not lost" and it never is. So, continue to chart your path with decisions that give you peace, continue to look to God for guidance and direction, and continue to look forward to your future trusting God will use the path that you've made for yourself.

Why am I writing this? I'm on my rolling layoff week, so I'm not at work. It's the first time I've really thought about life in awhile, and these are my thoughts as I look around at reality. I'll try to spare you next time.

Much love to Trevor & Jamie in Puh-ho-nix. I still need to call you, Trevor. Much love to the walrus for his post. Much love to the rest of contributors who have yet to post. I'd love to hear what the community has to say.
